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Thanks for your interest in contributing to condax!

Development environment

To set up a development environment and then activate it, you can use poetry.

poetry install
poetry shell

From now on it is assumed you are in the development environment.

Testing condax locally

In your environmnent run the tests as follows

pytest tests

Testing condax on Github Actions

When you make a pull request, tests will automatically be run against your code as defined in .github/workflows/pythonpackage.yml. These tests are run using github actions

Creating a pull request

When making a new pull request please create a news file in the ./news directory. You can make a copy of the provided template. This will automatically be merged into the documentation when new releases are made.


condax autogenerates API documentation, published on github pages.

Release New condax Version

To create a new release condax uses rever

conda install rever
rever {new_version_number}